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Факултет за Драмски Уметности - Скопје

Faculty of Dramatic Arts - Skopje

ФДУ - Скопје

FDA - Skopje

Enrolment conditions - PhD Art studies

Enrollment in doctoral studies is based on a competition announced by the University. Name of the competition is: Third Cycle Student Enrollment Competition - Doctoral Studies at "Ss. Cyril and Methodius" University in Skopje (hereinafter: competition).

Conditions and Criteria for Student Enrollment at the University "Ss. Cyril and Methodius" University prescribed by the Rectorate of the University in accordance with the legal regulations and recommendations of the Ministry of Education and Science.

Persons who have completed appropriate study programs and who meet the following criteria are eligible for doctoral studies:

  • completed II cycle of studies aligned with the European Credit Transfer System (hereinafter: ECTS credits);
  • postgraduate studies in study programs prior to the introduction of the European Credit Transfer System, which receive 60 credits of research and education training;
  • acquired vocational training according to study programs and earned at least 300 ECTS credits;
  • average achievement in all pre-university courses of at least 8.00;
  • knowledge of one of the world languages. Proof of knowledge of the world language is a certificate from the Faculty of Philology "Blaze Koneski" or an international certificate or diploma for previously acquired education in the relevant world language.

For candidates who do not meet the requirements of indent 4 of this Article, depending on the specifics of the field of study, the study program council may determine additional enrollment criteria.

The suitability of previously completed studies is determined by the study program doctoral council. The study program council, depending on the specifics of the field of study, may determine additional enrollment criteria that are an integral part of the competition.

Foreign citizens also have the right to enroll for doctoral studies in accordance with the law and the Rulebook of "Ss. Cyril and Methodius".

Candidate Ranking Criteria:

  • Success gained in the previous integrated cycle ie the previous two cycles;
  • Published, shown, displayed stage-making and audiovisual works of art;
  • Participation in domestic and international stage production and audiovisual festivals and projects;
  • Awards from national and international festivals;
  • Participation in international projects;
  • Interview;
  • Motivational letter;
  • Recommendations and other specific criteria.