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Факултет за Драмски Уметности - Скопје

Faculty of Dramatic Arts - Skopje

ФДУ - Скопје

FDA - Skopje

Graduate studies - Drama Actors

Head of the study program
associated professor LELOVAC Kristina, PhD

The curriculum for Playacting is based on the universal principles laid by K. S. Stanislavski and his students and followers, supplemented with the theory and practice of Brecht’s theatre, as well as Jezi Grotovski, Peter Bruck and other directors – pedagoguesof the XX century. The ethics of the pedagogical work starts from the standpoint that every student is an individual with different qualities and problems and that the pedagogue has to find a way to help the students reveal and develop their talent. The limitation of the stage action (verbal and physical) is the ideal we strive to achieve.

Model of organization of the lectures according to ECTS: Lectures, individual and group etudes and exercises, preparation and performance of parts of drama texts and dramatizations and preparation and performance of complete pieces.

The exams are public, excluding the ones in I and II semester. Starting from the III semester, the students have the right to perform in professional theatre, film and television productions, in accordance with their obligations at the Facultyof Dramatic Arts.

Subjects Semester
Playacting 1 - 8
Film, TV and Radio Acting 1 - 6
Stage Speech and Voice Technique 1 - 8
Stage Movements and Dances 1 - 8
Gymnastics and Acrobatics 1 - 2
Stage Fencing 1 - 2
Solo Singing 1 - 2
Macedonian Language and Speech 1 - 2
Macedonian Drama and Theatre 1 - 4
World History of Drama and Theatre 1 - 6
Psychology and Psychopathology 1 - 2
History of Art 1 - 2
Macedonian Language 1 - 2

Students enrolled in 2024/2025 academic year

Playacting IV year
Class led by
Full professor KIRANDJISKA Suzana, PhD
with associate professor LELOVAC Kristina, MA
Bresliska Marija
Danilovska Martina
Dimovski Andrej
Gjorgjieski Naum
Gjorgjieva Talija
Jelushik Mina
Kostik Eva
Lefkova Angela
Mladenovik Marko
Paskoski Dimitar
Risteski Hristijan
Taleska Marija

Playacting III year
Class led by
Full professor BUZALKOVSKA Zoja, MA
with associate professor STEPANULESKI Aleksandar, MA
Bilalovik Enis
Dimeska Irena
Jezdik Ivo
Maznev Martin
Mitrovska Anastasija
Pejkovska Angela
Shtargo Lora
Stojcevska Eva

Playacting II year
Class led by
Docent ILIEVSKI Angelco, MA
Atanasovska Angela
Atovski Damjan
Cvetkovska Angela
Dimoski David
Jancevska Marija
Krsteska Teona
Petrovski Milan
Tosheva Vera
Trajkovska Anastasija

Playacting II year
with knowledge of Albanian language
Class led by
Full professor ABAZI Refet, MA
with associate professor RAMADANI Hismet, MA
Fetai Euron
Ramizi Berin
Sherifi Vigan

Playacting II year
with knowledge of Turkish language
Class led by
Full professor ELJESA Kaso, MA
Idris Ozan
Saidova Igbal