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Факултет за Драмски Уметности - Скопје

Faculty of Dramatic Arts - Skopje

ФДУ - Скопје

FDA - Skopje

Enrolment conditions - Graduate studies

This year, the Faculty of Dramatic Arts in Skopje will admit candidates in the following study programs:

The selection of candidates who will acquire the right to be enrolled at the Faculty of Dramatic Arts shall be performed with test of competences. The course and content of the test, for any individual study program, are determined with general and special conditions prescribed by the Faculty. The test of the competences for any individual study program shall be performed before a special commission. The commission shall decide with two-third majority. The decision of the commission is autonomous and final.

Candidates who have graduated from secondary education (all profiles) have the right to a test of competences.

The competence check for the Study Program of Film and TV Editing is consisted of two parts:

In the FIRST part, all candidates are subdued to:

  • Taking a test of general culture.
  • Checking musical competences.
  • A written exam – analysis of the film editing of a shown movie,
  • An oral exam – an elaboration of the written analysis, as well as questions from the domain of the Film, TV, Arts and Music.

After the FIRST part, based on the results, the Commission steps towards selection of the candidates in a short list, and the selected candidates enter the SECOND part of the check where they step towards:

  • Practical assignments from the domain of Film and TV Editing,
  • Written assignments from the domain of Film and TV Editing,
  • An oral exam from the domain of Film and TV Editing.

Based on the results from the first and second part of the check, the Commission ranks and chooses the candidates who attain the right to enroll the Study Program of Film and TV Editing.

Literature for preparation:

  • U.Gregor and E.Patalas – „History of Film“
  • М. Babac - „Jezik montaze pokretnih slika“
  • K.Raisz and G.Millar – „Film Editing“
  • А. Dimitrijevic – „Gladak rez“
  • М. Medigovic – „Digitalni“ - from pages 17 to 74
  • Lexicon of film and TV expressions


  • A test of general culture.
  • An essay (writing assignment) on a given topic (analysis of a movie).
  • An interview with the candidates and an elaboration of the written assignment.
*Those candidates,who will pass the first part of the check, step towards taking the second part.


  • Tests of creativity, imagination, and other tasks related to the domain for which one is a candidate of.
  • Shooting a short film – etude of a given topic (on video).
  • Explication and defense of the film.

Literature for preparation:

  • Rados Novakovic – „Istorija filma“
  • Vladimir Petric – „Razvoj filmskih vrsta“
  • Marcel Martin – „The Language of Film“
  • Jerzy Plazewski – „Jezik filma“
  • Andre Bazin – „What is Cinema“ ( I, II, III, IV)


  • A test of general culture.
  • An essay (writing assignment) on a given topic (analysis of a movie).
  • An interview with the candidates and an elaboration of the written assignment.
*Those candidates,who will pass the first part of the check, step towards taking the second part.


  • Tests of creativity, imagination, and other tasks related to the domain for which one is a candidate of.
  • Shooting a short film – etude of a given topic (on video).
  • Explication and defense of the film.

Literature for preparation:

  • Rados Novakovic – „Istorija filma“
  • Vladimir Petric – „Razvoj filmskih vrsta“
  • Marcel Martin – „The Language of Film“
  • Jerzy Plazewski – „Jezik filma“
  • Andre Bazin – „What is Cinema“ ( I, II, III, IV)


  • General culture test.
  • The literacy and general knowledge of the candidates in the area of drama, theatre or film is assessed using written work.
  • The candidates’ sense of rhythm and hearing is checked.
  • The affinities and capabilities of the candidates for students on the drama actors study program are checked through interpretation of a drama monolog and one poem (recitation) chosen by the candidate and one poem (recitation) chosen by the commission for testing of the competences.
* The candidates who pass the first part shall proceed with the second part.


  • After the perfection of the chosen monolog or work on a new monolog under supervision by pedagogues from the Faculty of Dramatic Arts, the definitive selection of candidates is performed based on their affinities and capabilities. This test may include improvisation on topics given by the commission.


  • Writing assignment on a given topic.
  • An interview with the candidates and an elaboration of the written assignment.
*Those candidates who will pass the first part step towards taking the second part of the competence check.


  • Writing a scene according to given parameters.
  • Defense of the written scene.
  • An interview – the candidates are recommended to prepare themselves to discuss dramas, theater plays and movies of their own choice.

The following literature for preparation is recommended:

  • Sophocles – „Oedipus the Tyrant“, Misla, Skopje, 1991;
  • Moliere – „Tartuffe“, Misla, МК, NК, Kultura, Skopje, 1986;
  • B.Brecht – „Mother Courage and Her Children“, Kultura, МК, Misla, NК, Skopje, 1977;
  • H.Pinter – „The Caretaker“, Detska Radost, Skopje, 1996;
  • S.Beckett – „Waiting for Godot“, Detska Radost, Skopje;
  • W.Shakespeare – „Hamlet“;
  • A.P.Chekhov – „The Seagull“;
  • G.Stefanovski – „Divo meso“;
  • "Macedonian Bloody Wedding" , a feature movie directed Trajce Popov;
  • "Happy New '49", a feature film directed by Stole Popov;
  • "Before the Rain", directed Mancevski;
  • "Godfather", a feature film directed F.Coppola;
  • "The Pianist", a feature film directed R.Polanski;
  • "Burnt by the Sun", directed N.Mikhalkov;


  • Writing assignment on a given topic.
  • An interview with the candidates and an elaboration of the written assignment.
  • A check of the feel for rhythm and musicality.
*Those candidates who will pass the first part of the check step towards the second part of the test of competences.


  • Tests of creativity, imagination, and other tasks related to the domain for which one is a candidate of.
  • Practical work on etudes (exercises) on given topics, situations or characters.
  • Final presentation of at least one exercise with a defense.

Literature for preparation:


  • Sophocles – „Oedipus the Tyrant“
  • W.Shakespeare – „Hamlet“
  • A.P.Chekhov – „Uncle Vanya“
  • G.Stefanovski – „Divo meso“ (Wild Flesh)
  • D.Dukovski - „Bure barut“(Powder Keg)


  • K.S. Stanislavski – „System“
  • H. Klajn – „Основни проблеми режије“ (Basic problems of directing)
  • D. Taylor – „Directing plays“
  • J. Grotowski – „Towards the Poor Theater“
  • P. Brook – „The Empty Space“
  • 3 (three) theatre plays by candidate’s choice.



  • The topic of the writing assignment will be from the domain of the theatre, film, TV or widely from the domain of culture.
  • The purpose is to check the degree of knowledge of these mediums and the whole domain, especially from the aspect of production and management.
  • The check of the general level of literacy of the candidates is also a purpose.


  • The defense will be oral, and the purpose is to broadly elaborate the questions stated in the writing assignment.
  • The interview, in continuation, will refer to other questions from the domain.



  • In this part the candidates will be given certain tasks from the domain of Production, with a purpose to check their skills in solving given problems.

Required literature for preparation:

  1. Jill Nelmes, Introduction to Film Studies, Nampress Skopje, 2009
  2. Darko Lukic, Produkcija i marketing scenskih umetnosti, Hrvatski Centar ITI-UNESCO, Zagreb, 2006

Additional literature for preparation:

  1. [Daniel_Ionazzi]_The_Stage_Management_Handbook
  2. [Duncan_Webb]_Running_Theaters_Best_Practices_for
  3. The Complete Film Production Handbook by Eve Light Honthaner
  4. Complete Guide Low-Budget Filmmaking


The candidates can find the literature at the library of the Faculty of Dramatic Arts the National Library and the University Library “Kliment Ohridski” – Skopje.